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How to Draft & Notarize Your OSAP Affidavit
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Fill out our simple online form with your information.
Review and approve the document we generate based on the information you provided.
Connect with a notary public online in minutes who will verify your identity and witness your electronic signature.
Receive your notarized OSAP Affidavit via email and print it out for your records.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an OSAP Affidavit?

An OSAP affidavit is a document that is sworn and signed before a lawyer, a commissioner of oaths, or a notary public.

OSAP Affidavits are needed for part-time or full-time students to get financial aid during the current or future academic year.

When is an OSAP Affidavit required?

An OSAP affidavit is required when a student is applying for certain types of financial assistance through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).

Some examples of situations where an OSAP affidavit may be required include:

  • When a student is applying for needs-based OSAP funding, such as the Canada-Ontario Student Grant or the Ontario Student Opportunity Grant.
  • When a student is applying for the Indigenous Student Bursary or the Ontario Distance Grant for students studying at a distance.
  • When a student is applying for OSAP funding as an independent student, meaning they are not considered a dependent of their parents or guardians for financial aid purposes.
  • When a student has dependents, such as children, and is applying for OSAP funding.
  • When a student is receiving OSAP funding for the first time and their application requires additional documentation.

How do I check the status of my OSAP application?

Students can check the status of their OSAP application by logging into their online account on the OSAP website.

Is NotaryPro’s online drafting & notary service legally recognized?

Yes, NotaryPro’s documents are legally recognized.

NotaryPro’s documents have been accepted by many institutions and authorities, including OSAP and Service Ontario.

Is NotaryPro’s online drafting & notary service secure?

Yes, NotaryPro uses the latest encryption technology.

Your personal information and documents are subject to the highest level of digital security, and we ensure that your documents are notarized in compliance with all applicable Canadian laws and regulations.

How much does it cost?

It’s free to create your document, although we do offer online notarization for a small fee.

That’s right! Creating your document comes at no cost to you, but if you would like to notarize it at the same time, we’re happy to help. Please find our detailed prices here.

What are the most common affidavits needed for OSAP applications?

The most common types of affidavits needed to OSAP applications are related to the realtionship status of the student, and verifying the income and other financial oblications of the student and their families. Below, you’ll find a list of the most common OSAP affidavits:  

Affidavit of Common Law Status: You must provide an affidavit signed by you and your common law partner to confirm:
You have lived together in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage continuously for a period of not less than three years, or
You have lived together for less than years in a relationship of some permanent and are the natural or adoptive parents of a child. 

Affidavit of Sole Support Parent – Never Married or Widowed: You must provide an affidavit confirming that your childr(en) will live with you full-time during the academic year and the birth dates of your child(ren).
If you are widowed, you must also provide a copy of your spouse’s death certificate. 
Affidavit of Sole Support Parent Status – Separated or Divorced: If you do not have a separation agreement, divorce judgement or court order, you must provide an affidavit that states the date or your separation or divorce and details of your custody arrangements that confirm your child(ren) will live with you at least 50% of the time during the academic year. 
Affidavit of Marital Status: If you are married do not have a copy of your marriage certificate, you may be required to provide an affidavit signed by you and your spouse to confirm the date and details of your marriage. 
Affidavit of Marital Status – Separated or Divorced With No Dependent Children: If you do not have a separation agreement, divorce judgement or court order AND you do not have any children living with you during the academic year, you can provide an affidavit confirming the date and details of your separation or divorce. 
Affidavit of Indigenous Identity: If you do not have one of the official documents listed in the OSAP application to confirm your Indigenous identity, you can provide an affidavit in which you declare your Indigenous identity and a description of the Indigenous person(s) that you self-identity as, such as First Nation (Status/Non-Status), Métis, Inuk (Inuit), or any alternative term to describe your Indigenous identity. 
Affidavit of Student’s Foreign / Non-Taxable Income: If you earned foreign or non-taxable income that was not reported to the Canada Revenue Agency and you cannot provide the required documentation to prove your income, you can submit an affidavit that states the reason(s) why you are unable to provide the required documentation and the amount(s), currency and source(s) of your income. 
Affidavit of Student’s Income – No Income: If you did not earn any income in a particular year, you must complete an affidavit that states where you resided in that year and why you had no income. 
Affidavit of Spouse’s Foreign/Non-Taxable Income: If your spouse earned foreign or non-taxable income that was not reported to the Canada Revenue Agency and they cannot provide the required documentation to prove their income, your spouse can complete an affidavit that states the reason(s) why they are unable to provide the required documentation and the amount(s), currency and source(s) of their income. 
Affidavit of Parent’s Foreign / Non-Taxable Income: If your parent earned foreign or non-taxable income that was not reported to the Canada Revenue Agency and they cannot provide the required documentation to prove their income, your parent can complete an affidavit that states the reason(s) why they are unable to provide the required documentation and the amount(s), currency and source(s) of their income. 
Affidavit of Parent’s Income – No Income: If your parent did not receive any income in a particular year, your parent must complete an affidavit that states where they resided in that year and why they had no income. 
Please note: This is not an exhaustive list, and you may be required to submit an affidavit for a different scenario with your personal application.